Posting Directions

Creating your Genius Hour posts:
After you've formed an essential question, found a quality resource which answers that question, and taken notes about the information in your IN, you're ready to create your Genius Hour blog post.
  1. Title your post with the essential question you created and that your resource will answer.
  2. Type the name of your resource and any other important information that would help people find it (Author, Magazine, Website Title, etc.).  
  3. Create a link to your resource if possible (if you can find a link to where you can purchase it, that works, too).  Highlight the resource name, click the "Link" button in the editor, and then copy and paste your link into the box for "Web address".  Check the box for "Open this link in a new window" and click "OK".
  4. Type a brief (1-2 sentence) description for your resource.
  5. Type a one-paragraph (5-10 sentence) reflection for your resource.  Do not simply list facts from the resource - if we'd like to learn more after reading your post, we will go to the resource ourselves.  Rather, this is a personal reflection based on your experience researching your question.  You may use, but are not limited to, the following questions to get you started: Why did you want to learn about this?  Why did you choose this resource?  What did you find interesting or surprising?  Did this make you want to learn more (and what)?
  6. Using the "Labels" tab, add a subject label (Art and Literature, Cuisine, Economy, Geography and Environment, History, Language and Dialect, Recreational Activities, Religion and Celebrations, Values and Norms, Miscellaneous) and your name label so that you can get credit for your post (first initial and last name).
  7. Make sure there is a double-space between each of your items (Resource name/link, description, reflection).
  8. Click "Publish" at the top of the screen.
To see an example post, click here.

Posting Rubric:

Items and Format
More than two items missing; format not followed.
Items missing. Some format errors.
All items are included and the proper format followed.
Resource Quality
Resource is from a low-quality and questionable source.
Resource is from a mid-quality source or is from Wikipedia.
Resource is high quality and reputable source.
Minimal thoughtfulness and information provided.  Too short.  Confusing.
Some thoughtfulness and information provided. Too long.
Thoughtful and informative responses. Appropriate length.
Many errors.
Some errors.
No errors.

TOTAL (20 points)

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